Volta DAC Streamer Reviews
"Rich in all regions: dynamics, colors, naturalness.
He managed everything in our test with a self-confidence
that would inspire even the most critical analog fans."
"This streamer met our highest benchmarks and dreams.
Volta succeeded in everything with ease and naturalness.
If you have analog feelings, you should get it."
AUDIO - Andreas Günther - 04/2019
"My journalistic objectivity be darned!
The Goerner Audio/Grandinote room produced
the sort of sound that melts my heart, ravishes my senses,
and reminds me of why great hi-fi is worth the money."
"But I think what surprised me most
was the fact there wasn't a single tube..."
STEREOPHILE - Robert Schryer - 10/2019
"the sound I heard was captivating,
courtesy of a complete system from Grandinote,
an Italian brand I was unfamiliar with,
but was immediately taken by."
STEREOPHILE - Robert Schryer - 03/2019
"by all accounts the sound was stellar
as to be expected already knowing
how good this Italian brand performs."
"Sounds too good to be true until you
hear these products for oneself. "
STEREOTIMES - Clement Perry - 05/2018